Friday 2 April 2021

Nanomesher Weather Board tweak

 I've backed a number of Nanomesher's boards onn Kickstarter from the weather prodboard to different audio boards, and they've all been great.  The DAC2 in particular is a fantastic piece of kit.

I was playign with the Weather board and tweaked the script a bit to show the time and date rather than the default Nanomesher PiAirMon.

To do this vi the file and comment out the line with the old text and add the new lines:


        with canvas(device) as draw:
#            draw.text((1, 1), "Nanomesher Air Mon", font=font1, fill="white")
             now =
            draw.text((1, 1), now.strftime('%H:%M:%S %a %d %b'), font=font1, fill="white")

This shows in your locale the time, day, date and month.

So mine currently shows

14:37:29 Fri 02 Apr


This sits on the desk in front of me to remind me to open the window when the CO2 gets too high, and it's nice having a clock on it.



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